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Custom ceramic mug grouting process - Grouting operation process

Ceramic Mug Group Key:ceramic mug
Ceramic Mug Group, Slurry molding operation process Slurry molding operation process according to the type of product, slurry nature of different roughly need to go through the following processes:

1. Dose the mold

Before closing the mold should be the model of the working surface clean, no dry mud or dust. And check whether the working surface of the mold is clean, there are no holes and lubricant traces. If it is normal, you can close the mold, assembled model if there is a large gap, with soft mud to plug the gap at the joints, so as to avoid leakage of slurry. When using the model should not be too dry or too wet, the amount of water is generally controlled at 4% -6%.

2. Grouting

For single-sided grouting, the slurry filled model can be, such as mud layer thickening to the required thickness, pour off the model of the excess slurry, in order to avoid pouring off a small amount of residual slurry in the billet in the body of the surface of the uneven distribution of the production of slurry also need to pour off the slurry after the billet with a blank model for the dumping of slurry to ensure that the residual distribution of mud to avoid the production of strands of mud. For double-sided grouting, must be supplemented with slurry until the model of the cavities within the slurry all into the blank. There is no need to pour and dump the slurry.

3. Green billet drying

Just formed due to the high water content of the injection, low strength and can not be immediately demolded, need to take the mold drying for a certain period of time, this drying is called green billet drying, in the green billet drying period, due to the evaporation of water and the mold continues to absorb water, the injection of water continues to decline, the billet contraction and detachment of the model, and at the same time gradually increase the strength, then can be demolded.

4. Demolding

After demolding, the blank should be held gently, put flat, put right, put stable, and prevent vibration.

5. Bonding

Bonding is the manufacture of pots, mugs and some small vases, altars and other daily-use porcelain and art porcelain, porcelain, sanitary porcelain, etc. can not be molded in one body of the necessary processes, the bonding process refers to a certain consistency of the bonding slurry will be formed into their respective parts bonded together.
For the bonding process, attention should be paid to the following aspects.
1). The degree of hardness and softness (water content) of each part. In bonding, the degree of hardness and softness of each part is not forced to be the same. Generally speaking, the part blanks should be slightly harder than the main blanks to prevent deformation, but not too big a difference, otherwise it will be due to different water content and contraction inconsistencies caused by cracked blank defects. Practice shows that the difference in moisture content between the two should not exceed 2% -3%.
2). Bonding mud. Bonding slurry general and the composition of the blank, so that the two expansion coefficients will not be inconsistent resulting in cracks, at the same time, but also to control the viscosity and mobility of the slurry, the general mobility to be good, the relative density adjusted to 2.0 or more, so that the slurry bonding will not crack. In order to bond firmly, but also in the bonding mud to add a certain adhesive (dextrin, methyl cellulose, etc.), but also in the mud to add about 30% of the glaze or other fluxes, so that it is at high temperatures and the body of the blank firmly combined.
3). Bonding contact surface. According to the bonding contact surface is different, the bonding can be divided into smooth surface bonding and hemp surface bonding. Sisal bonding refers to the two contact surfaces have a serrated knife scratched into a serrated shape, which can increase the contact area, so that the adhesive interface is more solid. Hemp surface bonding degree of hemp surface can also be based on the water content of the blank, such as low water content of the blank, the degree of hemp surface can be deeper; such as high water content, can be a little shallower. For large-scale sanitary ceramics have two different methods of operation; one is in the case of two bonding pieces of water content is appropriate, first of all, the two bonding paddle into the pavement; another case is the lower water content of the billet, so that the pavement can be used to brush the brush sticking to brush once again, directly with a thick slurry for bonding. These two operations can be mastered properly, you can get the same effect. After bonding, to scrape away the excess mud. At the same time, in order to prevent cracking and deformation, generally in the bonding place to stick a soft cloth or paper.
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