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Some points for attention of customized ceramic coffee mugs

Ceramic Mug Group Key:ceramic mug supplier,custom coffee mug manufacturers
From Ceramic Mug Group,Ceramic mugs material has bone china, magnesium strengthening porcelain, white porcelain, stoneware. Our most common ceramic mug is mainly made of white porcelain and reinforced porcelain. The customization process of Chinese ceramic coffee cup is as follows:

1. It is better to provide the original ceramic coffee mugs manufacturers;

2. If the original ceramic mugs is not available, provide detailed and clean cup type drawings or product pictures with dimensions;

3. Provide Pantone color number of ceramic cup body;

4. Provide AI and other formats of printing pattern manuscripts (vector files);

5. Printed draft provided by Pantone;

6. Provide material requirements of wholesale ceramic coffee mugs.
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