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Formation and prevention of pinhole in ceramic mugs

Ceramic Mug Group Key:Disney coffee mug,Custom ceramic coffee mugs
From China Ceramic Mug Suppliers,In the production of ceramic mugs, pinhole is a very common quality problem. In particular, the problem of pinhole is more serious. So what are the reasons for pinholes on ceramic mugs? How to prevent it?

The formation and prevention of pinhole on ceramic mugs can be divided into three reasons: 1. The molding mold is too wet; 2. The slurry is too viscous; 3. The grouting speed is too fast.

Therefore, to solve the pinhole problem, we must make a general judgment from these aspects, and then analyze and solve the specific problems. If the mold problem, we should consider whether the mold frequency is too fast, or natural weather problems, or indoor drying equipment problems, or the mold has reached the use limit, need to replace a new mold.

If there is a mud problem, it is necessary to comprehensively consider various reasons to solve the problem. Mud viscosity is not necessarily due to the small amount of water added during the grinding process or the problem in the proportion of other raw materials. It may be that the viscosity of the mud is affected by changes in weather and temperature. Therefore, it is necessary to comprehensively consider and solve the problem from various aspects.

Of course, the grouting speed should be comprehensively analyzed according to the specific environment, temperature and other factors.Ceramic Mug Group

Custom Disney Ceramic mugs with lid products have very complex molding factors, these factors affect and restrict the quality of products, so to learn ceramic technology, we must first develop the habit of thinking about problems from many aspects, which is the premise of learning ceramic technology.

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