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Jingdezhen Ligao Ceramics Co., Ltd

Jingdezhen Ligao Ceramics Co., Ltd. (referred to as: Ligao ceramics) Ligao ceramics is located in Jingdezhen, the porcelain capital of the millennium, with a registered capital of 5 million yuan, and has two brands, Ligao and Jingyang port We have a strong, young, solid foundation, rich knowledge and innovative team. For many years, under the leadership of the chairman Mr. Yang Haishu, the team has taken production and operation as its foothold, guided by the tenet of serving production and operation, stimulating innovation awareness and working enthusiasm, established the concept of "quality service production and operation, unity and cooperation for first-class", worked hard to learn, forge ahead and strive hard, and fully demonstrated the style of youth in the new era It's our responsibility to be the leader of the industry in advocating green environmental protection, clean production, energy conservation and environmental protection; the company's listing is our development strategy; it's our ideal to build a century old brand and create a century old company. For this reason, we will continue to emancipate our minds, keep pace with the times, forge ahead and strive hard
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