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Jingdezhen Chuangyi Ceramic Culture Communication Co., Ltd

Chuangyi ceramic custom factory is subordinate to Jingdezhen Chuangyi Ceramic Culture Communication Co., Ltd., which is located in Jingdezhen, the world-famous porcelain capital for thousands of years. It is an enterprise specializing in the customization of hand-made creative ceramic gifts, integrating creativity, design, production and marketing. Jingdezhen is the advocator of the combination of traditional handicraft and modern aesthetics. The products are designed and created closely around the core concept of "creative life, starting from porcelain". They are not only integrated into China's history and culture, but also integrated into modern aesthetic elements to make them have life continuity and more connotation. With customization as the core and innovation as the basis, the company strives to become the top domestic and foreign experts in the customization of hand-made creative ceramic gifts to meet the individual needs of modern people for life creative ceramics. At present, we are mainly engaged in five series: hand-made cup, flowerpot container, creative tea set, incense utensils and household soft ware. The business scope of the company includes: gift customization, business group purchase, processing and customization based on drawings and samples, wholesale and retail. The tenet of the company's development is: integrity, service, quality, handcraft and customization
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