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Jingdezhen ruiman Ceramics Co., Ltd

Company management philosophy: adhering to tradition and guiding fashion. The company pays attention to the continuous innovation of process technology, perfectly combines the traditional process with the modern scientific and technological achievements, takes production and operation as the foothold, in line with the tenet of serving production and operation, arousing innovation consciousness and working enthusiasm, establishes the concept of "quality service production and operation, uniting and cooperating to strive for the first-class", studies hard, forge ahead and strives hard, and fully demonstrates the youth of the new era The style of the year.

Product positioning: boutique + fashion. With the first-class quality, innovative flower surface, high technology content, unique device type products to occupy the market. We specialize in the production and processing of ceramic tea cups, ceramic tableware, ceramic pots, ceramic appreciation plates, etc. with the characteristics of customized production, the company undertakes various forms of ceramic professional customization (with logo, pictures, company name, date, etc.) and other high-end daily ceramic gifts. Ceramic craft gifts and souvenirs are suitable for business activities, conference commemorations, anniversary celebrations, business relocation, group gatherings, foreign affairs exchanges, publicity and promotion, etc. welcome customers to visit, consult and order.
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