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Changjiang Lixing ceramic raw material factory

With the accumulation of ceramic culture for thousands of years and taking advantage of the application of ceramics in the prosperous times, Lixing ceramic gifts of Changjiang District came into being in Jingdezhen, the capital of ceramics. Our company mainly develops and produces ceramic tea set and ceramic tableware, especially blue and white Ling porcelain. Jingdezhen blue and white exquisite porcelain is a treasure of Han nationality porcelain making process, which is smart, bright, transparent, especially elegant and clean. Exquisite blue and white is the product of ingenious combination of blue and white and exquisite in process production and art processing. The green and transparent exquisite and elegant blue and white are set off each other. The glaze is green in white, the material is green and dripping, exquisite and green and transparent, there are glazes in glazes, flowers in flowers, and the combination is seamless, showing the high technical and artistic achievements of the ancient Chinese Han porcelain industry 銆?A person of noble aspirations, simultaneous interpreting ceramic culture and promoting ceramic gifts market, is in line with the principle of "win-win cooperation and sharing interests".
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